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Larry and Ping

At first, Larry Chiarelli, director at a tech start up, thought he was doing all he needed. Sign up on multiple dating websites. Meet lots of women. Eventually, the right one would come along – except she never did. So he decided to bring in the professionals and hired It’s Just Lunch. IJL’s matchmakers got to know him and his preferences. They selected his dates, arranged schedules, and even made the restaurant reservations. Dating became stress-free and fun. Larry was a practical guy and didn’t believe in love-at-first-sight, but that was until IJL introduced him to Ping.

What was your dating life like before joining It’s Just Lunch?

Lawrence: Chaotic! I was meeting a lot of women but not the right women for me. Online dating was time consuming and stressful. I needed someone to help out, to relieve me of the dating busy work so I could feel some breathing room. I needed to slow things down to speed them up. IJL fit that criteria perfectly for me.

Ping: I was very busy with work when I discovered IJL. I was seeing different people I mostly met through friends and by attending events. Online dating seemed so time consuming so I was never willing to invest what little time I had into something so hit and miss. I used to tell my friends: Who has time for online dating…browsing through profiles all night when I could be doing something else with my time."

Why did you decide to join It’s Just Lunch?

L: A good friend of mine mentioned that IJL may be a good resource for meeting women who were a better match for me. Plus, joining would let me get back some time in my life that was sorely lacking.

P: I fly frequently for work and for fun, and when I saw It’s Just Lunch in the airline magazine, it was as if the matchmaker was talking to me! One day after a particularly long flight and wanting to snuggle with someone and watch a movie, I decided it couldn't hurt to give it a try.

What did you enjoy most about the It's Just Lunch process?

L: Having someone doing all the work to select and schedule a date. It was like I had my own personal dating concierge to take care of all the details. All I had to do was be on time for my date and be myself. It really was a stress-free experience.

P: The stress-free experience! I had a professional matchmaker to select matches and set up restaurant reservations for me. All I needed to do was to show up and focus on getting to know my date.

What was it like working with the It's Just Lunch matchmakers?

L: Easy and convenient. At the time the company I was working for was going through a merger so I was away from home quite a bit in all day meetings. I’d finish my day and there would be a voicemail from my matchmaker telling me about my next match. I’d call back, get the details and run through my availability. The next thing I knew I was in front of an interesting woman having a great conversation.

P: Stress-free and fun! Exactly what I needed because dating can be so frustrating. I always looked forward to meeting my next match.

Do you have any advice for singles who want to meet that special someone?

L: I often ask my clients: Would you rather drive across the country in a Toyota Corolla or a BMW 5 series? They always say the 5 series. You get what you pay for. Investing in yourself and your future with someone special means investing in the right matchmaking service. For me that was It’s Just Lunch.

P: Invest in your own happiness, it is always worth it. I never would have met Larry if I hadn’t joined It’s Just Lunch. It’s the best decision I've ever made.

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